Conscious Revolution

A group of women celebrating and laughing together

I was in Bali for Sacred Circularities – Week Two as one of the Inner Alchemy teachers – sharing some nuggets from Inner Relationship Focusing (I changed the name of my workshop the second time I taught it to Sacred Inner Relationship – it just felt better). I was also honored to be in the role of “Space Holder” during my time there. It essentially meant that I was present as someone people can talk to – if and when things came up. Inevitably they do. We gathered on a volcanic island where there is still much ritual, connection, and mystery in the culture and in the atmosphere. Through my dear friend, visionary and manifestor Jaguar Mary, we communed to co-create a crucible for transformation.


During Week Two we were a group of almost 60 beings who added ourselves to the alchemical mix. Some came primarily to learn to be better hoopers and there were many opportunities for those learnings and skill-buildings. The level of talent, creativity and beauty of movement present was nothing short of astounding. And there is more. What distinguishes this from many other hoop retreats is not only that we dance in a working rice paddy in the jungle (in itself a wonder), but that there is an explicit emphasis and ongoing opportunity for personal and spiritual transformation through being in community, yoga, five elements dance, conscious breathwork, sound healing, Mayan calendar teachings, (Sacred) Inner Relationship Focusing and Kirtan (more about this later). It is a treasure trove of opportunity to explore our inner and outer space, to be vulnerable with ourselves and each other, and sense into the edges that come up around it all.

This week, the entire staff was female as were all but two of the 55 participants. One of the threads for me has been the experience of living in community with other women: sisterhood.

We were mostly women. This week, the entire staff was female as were all but two of the 55 participants (shout out to the two beautiful males). One of the threads for me (I have been here for Week One and Two) has been the experience of living in community with other women — or as it was named in the closing circle of Week One, sisterhood. I have been aware of wanting more of this female bonding in my life for about a decade, and I have been calling it to me. The hoop is among the practices that’s brought me these opportunities and I have a renewed appreciation of that here in Bali

In my experience (and I get the sense that I am not alone), there is something about living in community with other women that can bring up the wounding around our personal and collective journey of womanhood. As it comes into awareness, with a supportive environment, there is potential for healing and life forward movement, for creating a new story.

In the new story that is wanting to be born — the conscious evolution that is needed for us to thrive on our planet — I believe the story of sisterhood is prominent. In the new story, the story we are writing right now, we are “singing each other up”. We sing, we dance, we hug, we cry, we breath, we release, we strengthen, we shine, we love. In my emerging story of sacred sisterhood –we recognize the divine feminine in ourselves and in each other. Radiance is abundant.

To move to the next step of wholeness, in the new story of personhood, we recognize and honor the divine in each of us.