Focusing and Inner Relationship Focusing


Individual guided Focusing sessions, Focusing-oriented counseling, Focusing workshops, and mentoring. Sessions can be in person, on the phone or Zoom. Workshops are usually held in The Studio.

About Focusing

Focusing is woven into my life and my work. I was first exposed to Focusing in 1994 and began training shortly thereafter. I received Focusing Teacher Certification from The Focusing Institute in 1997 and became a Certifying Coordinator in 2002. Ann Weiser Cornell mentored me in Inner Relationship Focusing and have been a recommended teacher with her organization, Focusing Resources, for many years.

What is Focusing?

Focusing is a mind/body process and method of inner attention that you can use to bring clarity, movement and growth into all areas of your life. When you Focus, you pay compassionate attention to a holistic body awareness (a felt sense) that holds meaning in your life. You learn to notice and listen to these felt senses and receive the deep level of information and experience that they hold. It is a way to make contact with your inner life directly and freshly, disengaging from familiar patterns and creating new ones. Because the whole self is involved, the result of Focusing is not only greater knowledge and insight, but directly experienced life change. You understand yourself better, you feel better, and you act in ways that are more likely to create the life that you want.

Focusing provides a practical and specific framework for tapping into an inner awareness that is more than our thoughts and feelings. We have all heard that it is good to be in touch with ourselves, Focusing teaches you how. The process of Focusing can be used by itself or in combination with other modalities — including psychotherapy, bodywork, and creative pursuits.

Based upon research into personal change, the principles and methods of Focusing were originally identified and formulated by philosopher and psychotherapist Eugene Gendlin. It is a practice that corresponds with his major life work — The Philosophy of the Implicit. It was introduced to a wider audience with his book, Focusing, in 1978. Find out more information about Focusing.

About Inner Relationship Focusing

I have been teaching Inner Relationship Focusing workshops to groups and incorporating it into my individual sessions for over 20 years.

I have mentored many Focusing professions for certification. Previously, I was a part of Ann Weiser Cornell’s training program for Focusing Professionals as a co-mentor and faculty member. In 2015-2017, I led a group of local professionals through a Focusing Professional Certification process. Another group will begin in September 2022. 

What is Inner Relationship Focusing?

Inner Relationship Focusing (IRF) is a lineage of Focusing developed by Ann Weiser Cornell and Barbara McGavin. IRF is a well articulated and evolving healing modality that is being taught and practiced across the globe. As with all Focusing, once the process is learned, it can be done in a peer-to-peer exchange (called Focusing partnership) and the benefits can affect all areas of your life.

IRF emphasizes a state of awareness referred to as “Self-in-Presence.” This is a state of being that is open, present and allows for all kinds of internal experience, without being caught up or merged with it. The Inner Relationship refers to the relationship between Self-in-Presence and anything that comes up in your experience.

A great introduction to this work is The Power of Focusing: A Guide to Emotional Self Healing by Ann Weiser Cornell. Also, Focusing in Clinical Practice: The Essence of Change is a wonderful resource for healing professionals wanting to apply Focusing to their practice.